
Flattening a graph into a sequence

During my internship at LRI, I had to flatten a graph into a sequence. The resulting algorithm isn’t complicated, but I found the several approaches before ending up with a fully working solution pretty interesting.

More precisely, the graph is directed and acyclic (DAG). The graph’s vertices represent steps, and an arrow from A to B means that the step A happens before B.

                                                                |       |
                                                            +-->|   f   +--+
                                                            |   |       |  |
                                +-------+                   |   +-------+  |
                                |       |                   |              |
                            +-->|   c   +--+                |              |
                            |   |       |  |                |              |
+-------+       +-------+   |   +-------+  |    +-------+   |   +-------+  |    +-------+
|       |       |       |   |              |    |       |   |   |       |  |    |       |
|   a   +------>|   b   +---+              +--->|   e   +---+-->|   g   +--+--->|   i   +
|       |       |       |   |              |    |       |   |   |       |  |    |       |
+-------+       +-------+   |   +-------+  |    +-------+   |   +-------+  |    +-------+
                            |   |       |  |                |              |
                            +-->|   d   +--+                |              |
                                |       |                   |              |
                                +-------+                   |   +-------+  |
                                                            |   |       |  |
                                                            +-->|   h   +--+
                                                                |       |

The aim is to transform the graph into a sequence. A sequence is a list of itemsets. Here, an itemset is a set of steps that happen at the same time. Itemsets are noted between parentheses. For instance, the graph above would be represented as:


We can store a sequence using a list of sets:

seq = [
	{'c', 'd'},
	{'f', 'g', 'h'},

First attempt: simple BFS

The first idea that came to my mind was to find the heads of the graph and then perform a simple BFS.

The BFS is a little bit more complicated than a vanilla BFS: we need to organize items in levels. Level 0 contains all heads, level 1 contains all children of all heads, and so on. To do so, we can use two variables queueLen and nextQueueLen to keep track of the number of items in the queue that belong to the current level and to the next level.


# Find heads
heads <- Set(G.nodes)
for n in G.nodes:
	for s in G.successors(n):

seq <- []
itemset <- Set()

# Create a queue containing all heads (level 0)
queue <- Queue(heads)
queueLen <- len(heads)
nextQueueLen <- 0
while queue is not empty:
	n <- queue.pop_front()


	# Push all successors to the queue
	for s in G.successors(n):

	# When we're done processing this level, create a fresh itemset
	if queueLen = 0:
		itemset <- Set()
		queueLen <- nextQueueLen
		nextQueueLen <- 0

return seq

The complexity of this solution is O(n), with n the number of nodes.

That works well with trees, but not for graphs in general. The graph below would have been translated to <(ac)(bd)d> instead of <a(bc)d>:

+-------+      +-------+
|       |      |       |
|   a   +----->|   b   +--+
|       |      |       |  |
+-------+      +-------+  |   +-------+
                          |   |       |
                          +-->|   d   +
                          |   |       |
               +-------+  |   +-------+
               |       |  |
               |   c   +--+
               |       |

Second attempt: traversing in all directions

To overcome the first approach’s issues, I decided to solve the problem differently. Instead of doing a BFS, I tried to choose a random node in the graph, and visit recursively its successors and its anscestors.

We can arbitrarily choose that the random node is at level 0, its successors are at level 1 and its anscestors are at level -1. We can recursively compute each node’s level.

After that, we just need to group nodes by level, and list them in the correct order.


levels <- Dict()

def process_node(node, level):
	if node in levels:
		return # Already explored
	levels[node] <- level

	for s in G.successors(node):
		process_node(s, level + 1)
	for a in G.anscestors(node):
		process_node(a, level - 1)

# Traverse the whole graph
process_node(random_node, 0)

# Sort nodes by level
sort(G.nodes, levels)

# Build a sequence from levels
seq <- []
itemset <- Set()
level <- None
for n in G.nodes:
	if levels[n] != level:
		itemset <- Set()


The complexity of this solution is O(n . ln n), because of the sort operation.

I tried the first solution before this one because the latter requires to be able to list a node’s anscestors. Depending of how your graph is represented in memory, you may need to do some kind of preprocessing to build a list of anscestors for each node (that was my case). The overhead of this operation is in O(n).

But this algorithm has still one problem: it doesn’t handle well forks having a different number of nodes. For instance, the graph below is flattened to <ab(cd)(ef)f> instead of <ab(cd)ef>:

                              +-------+      +-------+
                              |       |      |       |
                          +-->|   c   +----->|   e   +--+
                          |   |       |      |       |  |
+-------+      +-------+  |   +-------+      +-------+  |   +-------+
|       |      |       |  |                             |   |       |
|   a   +----->|   b   +--+                             +-->|   f   +
|       |      |       |  |                             |   |       |
+-------+      +-------+  |   +-------+                 |   +-------+
                          |   |       |                 |
                          +-->|   d   +-----------------+
                              |       |

Third attempt: overwriting

It’s possible to solve the second solution’s issues by modifying the process_node function a bit. The current function stops if the node has already been processed (if node in levels).

From the example above, two cases can be considered:

  1. From b, the recursive function has first processed d, f and then has processed c, e, f.
  2. From f, the recursive function has first processed d, b, a and then has processed e, c, b, a.

In case (1), we can just re-process a node if we’ve found a level greater than the current one. We’ll do that only when we’re traversing the graph forwards. In case (2), we can do the same thing: when we’re traversing the graph backwards, re-process a node if we’ve found a level lower than the current one.

Here is the modified function:

def process_node(node, last_level, level):
	if node in levels:
		if levels[node] = level:
		if last_level < level && last_level < levels[node]:
		if last_level > level && last_level > levels[node]:
	levels[node] <- level

	for s in G.successors(node):
		process_node(s, level, level + 1)
	for a in G.anscestors(node):
		process_node(a, level, level - 1)

The recursive call terminates if the graph is acyclic, because the level is bounded and can only either increase or decrease, depending of its position relative to the first random node.

The recursive call can be rewritten with an explicit stack to process large graphs and for improved performance.

The worst case complexity of this solution is O(n²) because a node can be processed at most n/2 times.


We’ve seen three different solutions, which can be used respectively with trees, DAGs without asymmetric forks, and DAGs in general.

If you find a better solution, make sure to drop me a line!

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