
Status update, January 2019

This blog post should be named “Status update, january 2019, plus FOSDEM”. This was my first FOSDEM! I’ve been there together with Drew DeVault who’s published a nice, detailed summary about it. Mine will be much shorter (note: this is an allegory).

Best thing about FOSDEM is that you get to meet lots of people: Arch Linux, FreeBSD, KDE, PipeWire, Purism, Wayland and a lot more. I feel it’s been really productive and hope it’ll bootstrap some initiatives and collaboration in the future! The sr.ht and sway meetings have both been super-cool, big thanks to everyone who participated!

This month has mostly been sway and wlroots focused, with lots of bug fixes to get ready for 1.0-rc.1. Notably, I’ve finally got to make sway work properly with my laptop dock. My laptop only supports two screens at a time so some patches were needed to make it properly handle three (two enabled, one disabled). I also spent some time refactoring the wlroots clipboard code, to make it clearer, easier to maintain and more in line with the spec. Next up is drag-and-drop!

mrsh job control is still in-progress. I’ve put together a minimal job control shell which works, now I just need to integrate it into mrsh. It’s a little tricky and hard to debug, so I’ll need a little more time (but we’ll get there eventually!). More exciting news include many arithmetic expansion improvements by Cristian A. Ontivero and macOS support by Martin Kühl. Thanks!

I’ve worked a little on maddy, my email server project. It’s now possible to use it for development purposes, for instance when working on lists.sr.ht:

smtp:// {
	proxy lmtp+unix:///tmp/lists.sr.ht-lmtp.sock

The next step will be a to implement a multiplexer, to be able to filter incoming emails (e.g. forward emails for @lists.sr.ht, store them otherwise).

Thanks for reading and see you in a month!

Articles from blogs I follow

Wayland color-management, SDR vs. HDR, and marketing

This time I have three topics. First, I want to promote the blog post I wrote to celebrate the landing of the Wayland color-management extension into wayland-protocols staging area. It's a brief historique of the journey. Second, I want to discuss SDR and…

via Pekka Paalanen


New Frontiers

via Mike Blumenkrantz

HDR and color management in KWin, part 6: Fixing night light

Most operating systems nowadays provide a feature like night light: Colors are adjusted over the course of the day to remove blue light in the evening, to potentially help you sleep1 and make your eyes more comfortable. Despite the common claims about it,…

via Xaver’s blog

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