
Status update, January 2019

This blog post should be named “Status update, january 2019, plus FOSDEM”. This was my first FOSDEM! I’ve been there together with Drew DeVault who’s published a nice, detailed summary about it. Mine will be much shorter (note: this is an allegory).

Best thing about FOSDEM is that you get to meet lots of people: Arch Linux, FreeBSD, KDE, PipeWire, Purism, Wayland and a lot more. I feel it’s been really productive and hope it’ll bootstrap some initiatives and collaboration in the future! The sr.ht and sway meetings have both been super-cool, big thanks to everyone who participated!

This month has mostly been sway and wlroots focused, with lots of bug fixes to get ready for 1.0-rc.1. Notably, I’ve finally got to make sway work properly with my laptop dock. My laptop only supports two screens at a time so some patches were needed to make it properly handle three (two enabled, one disabled). I also spent some time refactoring the wlroots clipboard code, to make it clearer, easier to maintain and more in line with the spec. Next up is drag-and-drop!

mrsh job control is still in-progress. I’ve put together a minimal job control shell which works, now I just need to integrate it into mrsh. It’s a little tricky and hard to debug, so I’ll need a little more time (but we’ll get there eventually!). More exciting news include many arithmetic expansion improvements by Cristian A. Ontivero and macOS support by Martin Kühl. Thanks!

I’ve worked a little on maddy, my email server project. It’s now possible to use it for development purposes, for instance when working on lists.sr.ht:

smtp:// {
	proxy lmtp+unix:///tmp/lists.sr.ht-lmtp.sock

The next step will be a to implement a multiplexer, to be able to filter incoming emails (e.g. forward emails for @lists.sr.ht, store them otherwise).

Thanks for reading and see you in a month!

Questions, comments? Please use my public inbox by sending a plain-text email to ~emersion/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht.

Articles from blogs I follow

M2dir: treating mails as files without going crazy

Sometime recently in the past I complained about Maildir. You can go read the post, but the executive summary is that I think Maildir uses an actively user-hostile directory structure and extremely convoluted filenames that do not convey any meaning at all. …

via blogfehler!

Quick Post

Super Fast

via Mike Blumenkrantz

The xz attack shell script

A detailed walkthrough of the xz attack shell script.

via research!rsc

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