
Setting up sr.ht for local development

Note: I now maintain sr.ht-container-compose, a docker-compose manifest for sr.ht development. I recommend using it instead of trying to manually setup a local sr.ht installation, since it’s significantly easier.

I sometimes contribute to sr.ht. An important step in the contribution process is to properly test the patches, even if they’re a simple change. Getting a good local development setup can be an intimidating task. I have a setup which tries to minimize the amount of steps and indirections involved. This post is a loose attempt at documenting it.

Disclaimer: this is not an official sr.ht resource, and this will likely become out-of-date as sr.ht evolves. This article should be treated as a list of hints, not as a complete tutorial. Some more advanced features like webhooks are not covered.

See the official documentation for the canonical source of truth.

Install dependencies

Follow your distribution’s instructions to setup Postgres and Redis.

Using the sr.ht package repositories for your distribution will definitely help, as all Python dependencies aren’t always packaged. If you insist on not using these repositories, most of the Python dependencies are in the AUR, but sometimes are out-of-date or broken. Just try running the Python scripts and install python-<import name> when you hit an import error.


meta.sr.ht is the base service that many other services depend on at least for authentication. This it should be the first one to be set up.

Start by cloning the repository somewhere, together with core.sr.ht:

cd ~/src
git clone --recurse-submodules https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/core.sr.ht
git clone https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/meta.sr.ht
cd meta.sr.ht

Then configure PYTHONPATH to look up these directories, and set up SRHT_PATH:

export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/src/core.sr.ht:$HOME/src/meta.sr.ht
export SRHT_PATH=$HOME/src/core.sr.ht/srht

Generate static assets and build the API:


The next step is getting the configuration right for meta.sr.ht. Start with the example config file (mv config.example.ini config.ini) then populate the various fields. For the service-independent [sr.ht] section, the keys can be generated with helpers found in core.sr.ht and the redis-host field should be set to redis:// Additionally, set global-domain= to ensure cookies are created with the correct parameters. The [mail] section doesn’t need to be populated.

Then comes the [meta.sr.ht] section. To avoid the need to setup some hosts, I like setting origin= (port same as debug-port). Append ?sslmode=disable to the database connection-string to allow the services to connect without TLS.

To create and initialize the database:

createdb meta.sr.ht

If you later update meta.sr.ht, run ./metasrht-migrate upgrade head to run database migrations.

Create a new admin user:

./metasrht-manageuser -t admin -e <email> root

Once all that preparation work is done, meta.sr.ht should be ready to be started:

python run.py


todo.sr.ht should be pretty simple to get running. Just like meta.sr.ht, clone the repository, append it to PYTHONPATH, build static assets and the API.

The same configuration file should be used for all sr.ht services, so that all can share the options from the common sections. So I just set up a symbolic link:

ln -s ../meta.sr.ht/config.ini config.ini

Take the todo.sr.ht specific blocks from config.example.ini and append them to config.ini. As usual, populate the origin and connection-string options. Since todo.sr.ht depends on meta.sr.ht for authentication, one extra step is to generate some OAuth credentials in meta.sr.ht for todo.sr.ht (and any other additional service you’ll setup later on). Head over to the legacy OAuth dashboard at, register a new client (the redirect URI does not matter), and update oauth-client-id and oauth-client-secret in the configuration file. Then set the OAuth client as pre-authorized:

psql -d meta.sr.ht
meta.sr.ht=# update oauthclient set preauthorized = TRUE;

The todo.sr.ht Python frontend also depends on the API backend to run: set api-origin= in the configuration file.

todo.sr.ht should now run just fine.


Same as todo.sr.ht, but also needs scm.sr.ht to be added to PYTHONPATH (just like core.sr.ht).

I like configuring repos=./repos and then setting up test repositories like so:

git init
git remote add origin $HOME/src/git.sr.ht/repos/~root/test/

A git push should then show up in git.sr.ht’s web UI.


This one is a bit more tricky, because it interacts with SMTP servers.

The setup isn’t very different from other services. At the configuration phase, the outgoing e-mail server needs to be configured in the [mail] section. I use go-smtp’s debug server, which just dumps all traffic to stdout:

git clone https://github.com/emersion/go-smtp.git
cd go-smtp
go run ./cmd/smtp-debug-server

Set smtp-host= and smtp-port=1025, then you should be good to go. Start the service as usual.

Incoming e-mail messages will be handled by two separate processes:

  • A LMTP server will put the messages into a queue. Start the server with ./listssrht-lmtp.
  • A Celery worker will dequeue messages and dispatch them. Start the worker with celery -A listssrht.process worker.

Then submit messages to the LMTP server at /tmp/lists.sr.ht-lmtp.sock.

Other services

Other services are very similar to the ones described so far. Some will need a slightly different setup. The #sr.ht IRC channel is a good place to ask for help if you’re hitting a roadblock.

Questions, comments? Please use my public inbox by sending a plain-text email to ~emersion/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht.

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